Evaluating images
You are
going to look at another person's work
use 5 words to describe that work
in focus
2. Now comment on the images form
This means
looking at the formal elements of an artwork.
● What is the medium of the work?
It is a digital pigment print image that has been edited in
photoshop useing the multiplicity technique.
● What kind of shapes or forms can you find?
It has his dog as the main subject and has a fence in the
● Which techniques have they
Mutilplicity to dupiclate his dog in mutiple places.
● What kinds of textures can you see?
The grass has a spikey or rough texture to it
and the dog its self looks like it has a smooth coat.
3. Finally consider the mood and meaning of the work
Mood means
looking at how the artist has created a certain atmosphere or feeling.
● How does the work make you feel?
It made me feel happy.
● Why do you think you feel like this?
The photograph made me think of my own dogs and how they make me
● Does the colour, texture, form or theme of the work affect your
The theme does as if someone owns dogs it
might bring memories of something they have done with their own pets.
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