Art and Design Week

Paint brushes

Experimenting with using other objects besides paint brushes to create a mark.
Drawing textured marks.

Technical skills
Creating texture using dry and wet media.

In the first lesson we used wet and dry media to create a collection of textured marks such as layered lines and scribbles. We then split a A3 into 10 different sized areas. Which we filled with different textured marks. The dry media was stuff like pencils, pens, graphite, and charcoal. The wet media was paints both white and black.

In the second half of the day we did print making. we did this with textured wallpaper and oil based ink which meant it was permeant after it was dry. so we had to wear clothes and and apron so that it didn't get on your clothes. The wallpaper was used to create prints. the process we used to print was rolling out a little bit of ink onto a piece of acetate which we then put the wallpaper textured side down so that when it went though the press the ink was spread evenly though out the paper which we the put onto a peace of paper face up so that when the go though the press again it would transfer onto the piece of paper on top. We needed to create 5 different examples using different patterns of wall paper swell as different lay outs.


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